کتاب زبان تخصصی مهندسی کامپیوتر

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جهت استعلام قیمت فعلی، موجودی کتاب و تهیه این کتاب و یا سایر کتاب های انتشارات شبنما تنها کافیست نام کتاب را به شماره تلفن 09127564990 پیامک کنید و یا از طریق پیام رسان ایتا بفرستید.

خرید این کتاب ارزشمند از فروشگاه اینترنتی انتشارات شبنما، کلیک کنید

شماره اختصاصی کتاب: 3961001

موضوع: زبان انگلیسی، آموزشی، درسی

زبان تخصصی مهندسی کامپیوتر

پیوند احمدی

وزیری، 149 صفحه / چاپ اول، 1396

ویرایش دوم: 189000 تومان

شابک: 8-4-98582-600-978

توضیحات: کتاب آموزشی زبان انگلیسی ویژه دانشجویان رشته کامپیوتر در مقاطع کاردانی و کارشناسی

 پیشگفتار کتاب به قلم نویسنده


This book is designed to be used by students of computer engineering and related fields like computer science, IT and ICT who have successfully finished general English and intend to undertake university courses. So, this book consists of 14 units. The arrangement of units, as it is, is only one option. Different teachers and students may like to start and go ahead differently. Each unit consists of three parts: a reading part, Exercise part and vocabulary part. The greater emphasis is on reading.

         Therefore, an attempt was made to provide a variety of experience helpful to recognize specialized lexical items common to the science and technical fields: this will meet the present needs of our students who seek to acquire a comprehension knowledge of English rather than more reading skill.

          The passages posses a wide range of subject matters dealing not only with scientific facts, but also with other aspects of computer.

          Exercises and activity in this book enjoy a special variety. They are divided into two sections: comprehension exercises and skills development activities, the former is devised to check the student’s comprehension of the materials, whereas the latter is to help students improve their reading comprehension skills.

          In view of vocabulary, this series comprises basic and general words along with some technical term which are not limited to a particular field, but are necessary to improve the common skills needed in reading all types of materials.

         The presentation of vocabulary items is also difficult from that of traditional books. New words are introduced in such away that the students can learn the meaning of a word through different uses and functions of the same word.

          So, you are also expected to go through all your assignments before attending classes. These exercises will be done in the classroom later and you get a chance to fully understand your problem better.

Peyvand Ahmadi

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